Protection of the Rights of the Specific Categories of Individuals in International Law as a Peculiar Implementation Form of International Human Rights Standards


  • A. Horot



human rights protection, conventions, League of Nations, international standards, human rights, UN


In today's realities, the problem of human rights is one of the most hotly debated issues. Human rights are one of the most important spheres of inter-state cooperation in the international arena. The article provides a comparative analysis of the protection of the rights of specific categories of persons, such as women and children under international law, and the conformity of their rights with international standards in this field. Most countries have joined their efforts to develop criteria for defining the scope and content of human rights, the ways and means of guaranteeing and protecting them, creating a high-powered supranational system of relevant mechanisms within the UN, the CoE, the EU and the like. The main criterion for evaluating the level of democracy in the modern state is the level of guarantees and protection of human rights, in general, and the rights of women and children as an integral part of international protection, in particular. In view of the above, the countries that share and respect human values in a legal family, ought to implement a number of measures to align domestic human rights and freedoms practices with international standards. International protection of children's rights as a system of international law was formed after the adoption of the UN Charter and the formation of the field of human rights. As part of the UN in 1946, a special children's fund was created – UNICEF. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (November 20, 1989) is legally binding for States Parties. The Convention contains special instruments for monitoring the fulfillment by States Parties of their obligations upon accession to the Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child also provides for the establishment of a UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to monitor the observance of the rights and freedoms of the child


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How to Cite

Гороть, А. (2021). Protection of the Rights of the Specific Categories of Individuals in International Law as a Peculiar Implementation Form of International Human Rights Standards. History and Law Journal, 14(2), 51-56.

