housing assistance, internally displaced persons, targeted, digitization, social protection.Abstract
The article analyzes the current mechanism of providing housing assistance for internally displaced people. Established that it is the result of transformation mechanism of providing targeted assistance to cover living expenses, including including payment for housing and communal services. The comparative analysis of of the key characteristics of these two benefits was made. In particular, it is determined that in the process of transformation, the following main characteristics are generally preserved: monetary form, fixed size, targeting. To a certain extent, the targeting of of living allowance has been weakened to a certain extent due to the adjustment of the purpose of its provision. The peculiarities of the categorical method of addressing assistance are characterized for accommodation. In particular, the analysis of changes in the list of criteria for determining belonging to the category of recipient of this type of assistance. It is established that such changes allow to minimize the risk of erroneous inclusion in the provision of assistance for accommodation to internally displaced people, which is critically important in the conditions of martial law. It is determined that the digitalization of the mechanism for providing housing assistance to internally displace people, which are provided for by national legislation and international acts ratified in Ukraine, is very important for guaranteeing their rights. Attention was focused on the expediency of amending the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons”. In particular, taking into account the importance of benefits in the system of social protection of internally displaced people, it is proposed to provide at the legislative level the right to housing allowance for internally displaced persons. General proposals for improving the legal regulation of of the conditions and procedure for granting housing allowances to internally displaced persons were made.
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Про затвердження переліку адміністративно-територіальних одиниць, на території яких надається допомога застрахованим особам в рамках Програми “єПідтримка”: розпо- рядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 06.03.2022 № 204-р URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/204-2022-%D1%80/ed20220320#n9
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Офіційний сайт Міністерства цифрової трансформації України. В Дії можна буде змінити місце проживання ВПО та скасувати статус. URL: https://diia.gov.ua/news/v-diyi-mozhnabude- zminiti-misce-prozhivannya-vpo-ta-skasuvati-status-doluchajtesya-do-zapisu-na-betatest
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