National Police, mediation, alternative dispute resolution methods, conflicts, official investigation, complaints, level of trust, US experience.Abstract
The article examines the prospects of introducing the institution of mediation in the consideration of citizens‘ complaints against police officers in the activities of the National Police. The experience of the United States is analyzed and the peculiarities of mediation in the consideration of complaints of citizens against police officers are revealed, its advantages are established: providing psychological comfort, no restrictions on the subject of the dispute, confidentiality, the possibility of influencing the result, economy, efficiency and short-term procedure. The content of the concept of mediation is revealed through the prism of legislative consolidation and scientific approaches of scientists. The directions for the application of the mediation procedure in the activities of the National Police are outlined in perspective: in the activities of preventive communication units («dialogue police») regarding the elimination of conflictual aspects of communication; in the activities of the juvenile police units regarding the resolution of conflicts between «parents and children», cases of bullying; in the activities of precinct police officers in resolving conflicts between neighbors, spouses, facts of «domestic violence»; in the activities of personnel work units; in the activities of primary trade union organizations in the National Police. The proposal to introduce the educational discipline «Basic Mediation Course» into the training program for employees of units of preventive communication, juvenile prevention, control over the circulation of weapons, precinct police officers, community police officers, and patrol police officers is substantiated. The article also points out the congruence of the introduction of the experience of using the mediation procedure in the activities of the National Police with the provisions of the National Strategy in the field of human rights for 2021-2023, in particular, in terms of the introduction of alternative methods of dispute resolution (mediation).
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