


general principles, limits of freedom of contract, contractual regulation, justice, reasonableness


The article examines the legal content of freedom of contract as the main basis of civil legislation, its limits and correlation with other principles of civil law. The general principles of civil legislation specify the principles of civil law, enshrined in positive law and classified depending on their spheres of influence. They are applied in all private law relations, are binding for all participants and ensure the effectiveness of civil law regulation of social relations. Civil relations between the participants from the moment of their origin to the end are determined by moral and legal boundaries. This is ensured by the presence of general principles and norms-principles in civil law, thanks to which the mechanism of action of the analogy of law is implemented, which gives the opportunity to participants in civil transactions to determine options for their behavior in certain situations. It was found that the general principles of civil legislation are a normative dimension, a standard of lawful behavior of participants in civil legal relations. At the current stage of the development of civil law, a special place belongs to the moral principles of civil legislation, which, according to the provisions of the Civil Code of Ukraine, are the limits of freedom of contract. The imperative and dispositive limits of freedom of contract and their importance in the development of contractual regulation of civil relations are considered. The relationship between the legislative and contractual definition of the limits of freedom of contract is disclosed. It was concluded that the reasonable limits of freedom of contract defined by the Civil Code of Ukraine and other acts of civil legislation are intended to ensure the maximum freedom of the subjects of civil legal relations, and the application of fair, reasonable and proportional limits by the courts will correspond to the establishment of justice, good faith and reasonableness as necessary conditions for the development of civil legal relations.


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How to Cite

Чубоха, Н. Ф. (2023). LIMITS OF CONTRACTUAL FREEDOM OF PARTIES IN CIVIL LAW. History and Law Journal, 19(2), 41-47.

