criminal responsibility, Criminal Code, taxes, customs payment, taxation systemAbstract
The article examines the genesis of criminal liability for tax evasion and other mandatory payments. A historical and legal analysis of the process of formation and development of the tax system was carried out. The chronology of the introduction of a centralized and orderly system of taxation is studied, namely, the following periods are presented: Kievan Rus, the stay of Ukrainian lands as part of Poland and Lithuania, during the War of Liberation, the period of Soviet power, in particular the 20s of the last century. Consolidation of criminal liability for tax evasion in the codified normative acts of the Soviet period (Criminal Code of the USSR of 1922, 1927, 1960) is presented. The article also carries out a historical and legal analysis of these codes, their transformation and addition of new compositions of tax crimes. Additions were made in accordance with the latest composition of payment evasions associated with the gradual emergence and development of market relations in the country in later periods. A new page in the history of criminal liability for non-payment of taxes and payments is outlined, namely the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996. The relevance of the study of the genesis of criminal liability for evasion of taxes and other mandatory payments is proven. The article examines in detail the historical formation of the tax system, its influence, development and significance for the study of criminal liability for tax evasion and other payment obligations. Special attention is paid to the punitive policy of the Soviet period and the Bolshevik regime regarding the payment of taxes and other payments. The complex and thorny path of criminal liability formation is presented, with mistakes and miscalculations that negatively and sometimes tragically affected the socio-economic development of our country.
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