students, social protection, Student Rights, legislation of UkraineAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of legal problems of social protection of students. The author of the article identifies researchers who were engaged in the chosen problem, reveals the degree of development of the topic. The article analyzes the essence of the concept of "social protection". The definition of the concept of "student" by the law of Ukraine "on education", as well as in other sources, is highlighted. It is determined that in the new socio-economic conditions of development, the problems of social protection of students of higher education institutions in Ukraine have not only not lost their relevance, but also become particularly acute. The author, based on the order of the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health "on setting the maximum amount of payment for accommodation in student dormitories of higher educational institutions of state and municipal ownership", analyzes the size of the minimum living space that should be provided to students for accommodation. The publication reveals the problem of providing students with social scholarships. The categories that should receive a social scholarship and its size are highlighted. According to the author, the size of the scholarship does not meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to reform this system so that students study, and not work in order to survive. In the article, the author also highlights the problem of employment of students after training. After all, most young people are left without work and cannot officially find a job in their specialty. The state should pay attention to this and reform the chosen direction. During the development of the article, the main problems of the legal nature of social protection of students were analyzed. The main conditions for improving the social protection of students are also defined. The article analyzes the legislative framework for violating the right to social protection.
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