legal clinic, mediation, dispute settlement, legal education, legal aidAbstract
The article is a study of the role of mediation in the activity of a legal clinic. It was found that legal clinics play an important role in the training of future lawyers, which is a special mechanism that contributes to the improvement of the quality of legal education, and is manifested in the fact that opportunities are created for students to practice in the legal profession during their studies, thanks to the performance of analytical, human rights, representative function. It was determined that the main organizational form of legal clinical education appears under the legal clinic, the main meaning of which is that in the structure of the legal institution of higher education / law faculty, a full-time or part-time educational and practical unit is created, the main purpose of which is that students acquired practical skills and abilities to provide real legal assistance to the least well-off segments of the population. The role of mediation in the activity of the legal clinic was determined. It has been found that unlike traditional justice, the main purpose of which is to punish guilty persons, mediation is a voluntary and confidential way to help resolve disputes, in which an authorized person, namely a mediator, helps the victim and the accused parties enter into negotiations in order to find a joint solution to the problem, taking into account the interests of both parties. It has been studied that thanks to mediation in the legal clinic, active professional skills and abilities are developed among law students. The legal clinic, which implements mediation, promotes the formation of mediation and negotiation skills in student-consultants. When applying mediation in practice, the student receives such useful skills that cannot be obtained during traditional client counseling. Therefore, mediation technologies are based on a rather deep human rights significance, as well as fundamental constitutional principles of respect for human dignity, therefore, in modern conditions, the use of this alternative method of dispute resolution is becoming more and more relevant and significant.
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