



alternative energy sources, legislative support, sustainable development, EU, energy security


The article analyses the current state of legislative support for the use of alternative energy sources in Ukraine. In the context of the war waged against Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the issues of searching for and replacing traditional energy, spreading and using alternative sources are extremely relevant. The article analyses the main principles and trends of reforming the energy sector in Ukraine and identifies the following characteristic features: a) the reform is heavily influenced by the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement; b) there is no clear system of legislation in the field of alternative energy (most of the regulatory legal acts in the field of alternative energy are constantly changing and are purely declarative); c) a significant degree of dynamism of legislation is characteristic; d) the programme nature of regulatory legal acts is noted. It was found that other alternative energy sources, which are widespread in the world, in particular, aerothermal, geothermal, and hydrothermal, have not found proper application and legal regulation in the legislation of Ukraine. It is concluded that under current conditions, the legislation in the field of alternative energy in Ukraine is at the stage of reform, the vector of which is chosen with due regard for the importance of ensuring sustainable development of energy production from alternative sources as a key instrument for guaranteeing the energy independence of the State, taking into account all the challenges of wartime and post-war periods.


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How to Cite

Грачук, В. С. (2024). LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT FOR THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES IN UKRAINE. History and Law Journal, 22(1), 88-94. https://doi.org/10.32782/2409-4544/2024-1/12

