Rights of a Third Party Whose Property is under the Decision of Arrest in Criminal Proceedings
third party, seizure of property, rights, arrest, special confiscation, procedural rights, third party representativeAbstract
The article interprets the controversial issues concerning the legal status of a third person on whose property the question of arrest is being considered. The author criticizes Article 64-2 of the Criminal Procedural code of Ukraine and indicates to its textual shortcomings, and suggests his own author's editing of Part 2 of Article 64-2 of the Criminal Procedural code of Ukraine. The study argues that not all of the rights of a third party whose property is under the decision of confiscation can be attributed to those rights that directly relate to the seizure of property. Some rights are to be specified. The author concludes that the criminal procedural law should provide an exhaustive list of the rights of a third party, on whose property the question of arrest is being considered by an investigating judge, and further in the pre-trial investigation and litigation. The introduction of amendments to the Criminal Procedural code, proposed by the author, will significantly improve the provisions of criminal procedural legislation on the procedural rights of a third party, on whose property the question of arrest is being considered. We share the opinion expressed in the science of criminal procedure that the provisions of Part 3 of Art. 64-2 of the Criminal Procedural code is legally incomplete. According to a Part 3 of Art. 64-2 of the Criminal Procedural code the third party has the rights provided by the current Criminal Procedural code for the suspect, accused, in the part relating to the seizure of property. Giving such rights to a third party is unjustified in view of the following. Firstly, the suspect or accused has the right to refuse from giving any evidence. Secondly, there are situations in which a person who knows or may know the circumstances to be established during the investigation, the witness, is also a third party, and under the Criminal Procedural code uses the rights of the suspect, accused. Thirdly, the Criminal Procedural code does not regulate the procedure for interrogating this person.
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