Social Сontrol: Сoncepts and Basic Ideological Principles


  • M. Yatsyshyn
  • N. Yatsyshyn



civil institutions, social institutions, social order, social control


The article analyzes the aspects of creating a social mechanism of interaction between the civil society subjects to solve socially significant problems of the rule of law. Social control model is the basis for this mechanism development and improvement. In terms of the public relations social control, the study has identified the three most important fields of it: retrospective, preventive, and prognostic control. Retrospective social control shows the range of previously considered problems, the mechanism of their solution, and the results achieved. This control becomes the basis for a more detailed assessment of the results in combating various offenses. Preventive social control contributes to the development of social behavior stereotypes based on the socially significant social norms, which in the long run, are supposed to help members of a society orientate in different life situations and thus enshrine the moral, ethical, and spiritual experience of social development. Predictive social control is based on the idea of preventing violations, the practice of timely registration of actions that deviate from the accepted norms, and proactive information about their consequences. Social control is a set of processes called to ensure stability, cohesion and objectivity in managing the behavior of social groups, institutions and individuals. With the help of social control it is possible to fix the degree of deviation of various behavioral acts from the norms established by society. The problem of the idea of social control is related to the general disadvantages of society, or the low moral level of a particular social institution or group of the population. As a result, under the influence of the environment there is a high risk of forming potential offenders. A lot of things also depends on the place of a particular person in society, his social and material status. The qualitative result of the action of social control is directly related to the attitude and goals of government agencies. The principles of social control are called to form a legitimate, moral, active life position of the individual in society.


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How to Cite

Яцишин, М., & Яцишин, Н. (2021). Social Сontrol: Сoncepts and Basic Ideological Principles. History and Law Journal, 15(1), 3-8.

