The International Human and Civil Rights Standards: Concept and Classification
human and civil rights and freedoms, international human rights standards, classification of international human rights standardsAbstract
The article focuses exclusively on the legal basis of the international standards of human and civil rights and freedoms. The author highlights the approaches to defining the concept of international standards of human and civil rights and the issue of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms in accordance with the international standards enshrined in international legal instruments. The analysis of international legal acts that contain relevant standards in the field of human and civil rights, as well as their classification, are of great importance. International human rights standards are a system of rights based on the modern idea of human rights, enshrined in fundamental international legal documents, and admitted worldwide. Standards of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms are governed by a number of international legal acts, determining political, natural, cultural, and social rights. The author concluded that the Constitution of Ukraine is based on fundamentally new legal paradigms of foreign and domestic state policy of Ukraine, which are aimed at establishing and ensuring the rights and freedoms of person and citizen. And this objectively requires a significant reorientation and modification of the entire national legal system. In Ukraine, the theory of recognition of human dignity is becoming widespread, which is an integrative property of human nature and acts as one of the institutional sources of its fundamental rights. And according this, the general theory of law formulates an anthropogenic interpretation of human dignity, the concept of which is defined as the self-worth of person as a unique biosocial being. In our opinion, these doctrinal positions in the near future will require appropriate legal and even constitutional regulation. Because the state must protect, defend rights and freedoms, guarantee their actual implementation. And also the state must create all the necessary conditions for decent work, provide social assistance to those who are in difficult life circumstances.
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