Legal Support of Public and Private Interests in the Law on Fauna of Ukraine: the Context of the Right to Ownership of Fauna
ownership of fauna, public property, private property, public-private principles of ownership of fauna, ecological interestsAbstract
The article examines the main issues of ownership of the animal world and its objects through the lens of public and private property. The fauna is a unique natural resource, and the species, physiological, and biological characteristics of animals determine the interdisciplinary nature of the legal regulation of social relations in the sphere of belonging to the fauna. The distinction between the spheres of influence of civil (private) and environmental (public) law is important both theoretically and practically to ensure the realization of the respective interests of the participants in public relations. The author supports the existing scientific doctrines, generalizes them, justifies the need for optimal balancing of these interests, and argues that in case of conflict of interests, the priority is on the side of the public interests, which are aimed at the rational use of wildlife, the conservation of wildlife populations and their habitats in particular, and ensuring a favorable ecological environment in the world as a whole. Direct appeal to the faunal legislation proves the existence of a double legal construction of right to property: on the one hand, the owner of the whole fauna as an object of right to property is the Ukrainian people as an integrating legal category, and on the other hand, specific individualized objects of fauna can be in state, communal or private property. The peculiarities of the content of right to property which include the possession, using and disposing of the objects of the animal world are based on the extrapolation of the two branches of law, which determines the ratio of environmental and civil grounds for the emergence, change and termination of of right to property. Such a cross-sectoral approach to the legal regulation of property to the specified object of environmental protection requires the observance of public and private interests, which, can be ensured by the implementation of the environmental imperative in private law.
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