The Essence of Socially Dangerous Encroachment in the Context of the Necessity Defense


  • G. Andrusiak



necessary defense, attack, reason for necessity defense, socially dangerous encroachment, inaction


The article substantiates the correctness of determining the basis of necessary defense as a socially dangerous encroachment. In focus is the semantics of the concept of necessity, because the term is rather ambiguous. The basis of the necessary defense is the commission of a socially dangerous encroachment. We approve the using of such term by legislator, and not «attack» or «criminal encroachment». It is also impossible to agree with the using of the term «attack» to describe the basis of the necessary defense. An attack always contains an element of violence. However, a socially dangerous encroachment may be carried out using the helpless state of the victim. According to the literal interpretation of the law, the basis of necessary defense is encroachment, which is a public danger and is not necessarily criminal. The criminality of an act means the presence of all the elements of a crime - the commission by a subject of a crime of a socially dangerous act provided by criminal law. According to the author, in case of the necessary defense, the encroachment should threaten the state or public interests, political, labor, and property rights of citizens or individuals, their honor and dignity. Only in these contexts, it can be classified as socially dangerous. Other forms of encroachment, not only an attack, can be interpreted as socially dangerous and a reason for the necessary defense. Since the law involves the prevention or cessation of a person's attempt to commit an act that presents a public danger, it obviously implies a certain activity of the person. The law does not read that encroachment is always combined with violence – it must be just socially dangerous. The author highlights the scientific discussion on the admissibility of necessity defense against encroachment, which is not in action. Among all the circumstances that exclude the criminality of the act, only the necessity defense is a reaction to a socially dangerous encroachment, which is possible both in an active form and in a passive one. According to the author, there is no basis for the right to necessary defense in case of socially dangerous inaction.


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How to Cite

Андрусяк, Г. (2021). The Essence of Socially Dangerous Encroachment in the Context of the Necessity Defense. History and Law Journal, 15(1), 91-95.

