transnational crime, international cooperation, prevention, fight against crime.Abstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the study of the issues of international cooperation in preventing and combating transnational crime. The article proves that this issue has remained quite popular among scientists for many years, but is characterized by outlining the key components of transnational crime. The article describes the main features of transnational crime. It is determined that international cooperation in criminal matters is one of the most important prerequisites for organizing the fight against and prevention of transnational crime. It is proved that the intensification of international relations between the countries of the world, migration processes and globalization processes have contributed to the further transformation, evolution of organized crime and the spread of its activities outside Ukraine. It is outlined that transnational crime is represented in the world by well-structured and organized criminal syndicates, which direct the profits and proceeds to the development of other even more dangerous activities. The article focuses on a number of studies in the field of transnational crime. Recognizing the above achievements of scientists in the study of this issue, the article notes that the degree of development of international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime is still insufficiently studied. The article describes various forms of international cooperation: extradition of criminals, mutual legal assistance, transfer of criminal proceedings to another country, transfer of convicts, cooperation for confiscation, cooperation between law enforcement agencies, including information exchange and cooperation in investigations, joint investigation in the use of special investigative methods.
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