Volodymyr Starosolsky – Outstanding Scholar, Lawyer, Politician
Volodymyr Starosolsky, scientist, lawyer, public figureAbstract
V. Starosolsky is a well-known Ukrainian social and political figure and a lawyer. He was a typical representative of the Ukrainian-Polish borderline region, coming from a mixed family. He becomes an active advocate of Ukrainians in the Ukrainian human rights movement in Western Ukraine. As a lawyer, he actively participates in the political processes of the Polish authorities against Ukrainians – members of the OUN, UVO, public figures, and politicians of different ideological orientations. V. Starosolsky tried to influence the process of constructive solution of the painful Ukrainian problem in Poland. As for Ukrainian- Polish relations, V. Starosolsky always believed that the best form of solving the conflict is dialogue. During his extraordinary life, V. Starosolsky held the positions of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ukrainian People's Republic (1919-1920), Doctor of Laws, Professor of the Ukrainian State University in Kamianets-Podilskyi (1919-1920), Ukrainian Free University in Prague (1921-1928) and the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Podebrat (1922-1928). As a public figure and lawyer, he acted as a full member of the T. Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv (1923), Chairman of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party (1937-1939), founding member of the Ukrainian Bar Association in Lviv (1909), member of the Board of the Ukrainian Lawyers Union in Lviv (1929-1939) ), the Lviv Chamber of Advocates (1928-1939), the Chief Bar Council of Poland in Warsaw (1937-1939), a founding member of the Ukrainian Law Society in Czechoslovakia (1923). V. Starosolsky also realized himself in the scientific domain as a member of editorial boards of legal journals, author of a number of legal and sociological research papers, monographs, and manuals.
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