Human Rights Genesis in the Times of Antiquity


  • Yu. Turiansky



human rights, state, society, rights and freedoms


The article deals with the historical paradigm of the origin and development of the modern understanding of human rights since the times of antiquity. The historical aspect of the formation of human rights in Ancient Greece, in particular, the basic philosophical ideas of such philosophers as Democritus, Protagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle, are in the focus of the study. The development of the foundations of the human rights concept dates back to the ancient times. This concept was closely related to citizenship existing in ancient Greece and manifested itself in the process of introducing equality among the residents of the city-state (police) and providing them with a possibility to enjoy political rights. Sophists, one of the first ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers, do not consider nature and space as the basis of foundations, but person, who was given a special and higher importance in the universe. Sophists were divided into two main currents, whch interpreted natural law quite differently. The common thought was human nature. The egalitarian movement held that all people were equal, regardless of place of birth, family, or wealth. The ideas of gender equality developed on the basis of Plato's philosophical thought. It was the first stage. According to Plato's philosophy, justice must prevail in the state, taking into considerationt he natural differences and inequalities of the people. The thinker divided people according to their characteristics, and believed that everyone should take their place in the state. Aristotle, in his teachings, established the principle of the rule of law and granted the state a special function of regulator, able to ensure the rights of the people. Therefore, we can regard antiquity as the first stage of the emergence of human rights. Through the interpretation of the prominent figures of that period, they laid the cornerstones in the historical construction of the concept. Aristotle's main treatises began to develop the concepts of citizenship and political participation in public affairs, which with evolutionary processes became the basis of the first generation of human rights.


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How to Cite

Турянський, Ю. (2021). Human Rights Genesis in the Times of Antiquity. History and Law Journal, 14(2), 41-46.

