
"History and Law Journal" is a professional printed publication of the Faculty of Law of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University.

The scientific journal was founded in May 2013. The publication passed state registration at the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting (Decision No. 1834 dated 12.21.2023).

In October 2014, the journal was assigned International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 2409-4544) and included into the scientometric databases BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) (Germany), Index Copernicus International (Poland).

Professional registration: Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 19.04.2021 № 420 (Appendix 3) the journal is included in Category "B" of the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in specialties 081 – Law.

Journal scope: topical issues of history, theory, philosophy of state and law, theoretical and practical problems of constitutional, administrative, financial, labor, environmental, commercial, civil and criminal branches of law, international-legal and comparative-legal research.

Frequency: biyearly.

Languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

All the manuscripts published in “History and Law Journal” are freely available on the website of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.