foster care, foster family, family-type orphanage, guardianship of childrenAbstract
The article covers the comparison legal regulation of orphans foster care and children deprived of parental care in Ukraine and Poland. Common and distinctive features of orphans foster care and children deprived of parental care in both countries are characterized. It was determined that a common feature of foster care in Ukraine and Poland is the contractual nature of the arisal of personal non-property and property legal relations and it is provided for by the family legislation of both states. It has been established that the differences in foster care in Ukraine and Poland are: the procedure for placing children in a family (administrative in Ukraine and judicial in Poland); appointment and payment of social assistance (in Ukraine – at the expense of the state budget and in Poland – from the local budget); during foster care (in Ukraine – until the children reach the age of majority (up to 23 years old) in the case of foster care – up to 3 months (no more than 6 months) and in Poland – until the age of majority (short-term families – up to 1 year and 3 months, professional foster families – up to 4 months (no more than 8 months); the age limit for child support (in Ukraine – up to 6 years and up to adulthood, taking into account in some cases additional medical funding and in Poland – up to 7 years and up to adulthood taking into account the state of health); bodies supervising the functioning of a foster family / familytype orphanage and patronage of children (in Ukraine – services for children’s affairs, and in Poland – curators of district family courts). It has been proven that in order to bring national legislation to European standards (using the example of Polish legislation), there is a necessity to take measures to improve the legislative regulation of foster care by making appropriate changes to the current legal acts.
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