democracy, human rights, state power, state, protection of rights and freedoms, constitutionAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of democracy in modern states and its correlation with fundamental human rights. It is established that democracy is the environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in which the free expression of the will of people is exercised. In turn, human rights are universal and apply to everyone. They establish that all human beings, regardless of country, culture and context, are born free and equal in dignity and rights. It is emphasized that human rights, democracy and the rule of law should be key elements of the existence of the state and its policies. However, in the modern world, there are still situations when, despite democracy, human rights are violated globally. It is stated that democracy as a form of regime is a universal guideline for the protection of human rights. It provides an environment for the protection and effective enjoyment of human rights. Today, however, after a period of increasing democratization around the world, many democracies seem to be in retreat. Some governments, while weakening independent control over their power, stifling criticism, dismantling democratic oversight and enforcing their long-term rule, which negatively affects people’s rights. The factors that pose risks on the way to the establishment of democracy, the realization of human rights and their synergy are identified. Conclusions are drawn that will contribute to the promotion of democracy based on human rights.
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