transformation of the judicial system; European judicial standards; access to justice; independence of the judiciary; judicial protectionAbstract
The article proposes a solution to the problem of transforming the judicial system of Ukraine in accordance with European judicial standards with the aim of our country joining the European Union. The need to transform the judicial system is due to domestic problems that significantly affect the quality of the administration of justice and undermine public trust in the judicial branch of government. The directions of reforming the judicial system of Ukraine in accordance with European judicial standards for the practical implementation of the principle of the rule of law, ensuring the independence and impartiality of judicial institutions, and the implementation of fair and effective judicial proceedings are outlined. The need to improve access to justice through the reorganization of local courts, to strengthen the functional and procedural capacity of the court of cassation, to provide opportunities for paying the court fee as one of the obstacles to access to justice, to develop institutions of jury trials and alternative (pre-trial) and out-ofcourt settlement of disputes, is substantiated, including development of institutions of mediation, magistrate and arbitration court. The need to strengthen the independence of the judicial branchThe article proposes a solution to the problem of transforming the judicial system of Ukraine in accordance with European judicial standards with the aim of our country joining the European Union. The need to transform the judicial system is due to domestic problems that significantly affect the quality of the administration of justice and undermine public trust in the judicial branch of government. The directions of reforming the judicial system of Ukraine in accordance with European judicial standards for the practical implementation of the principle of the rule of law, ensuring the independence and impartiality of judicial institutions, and the implementation of fair and effective judicial proceedings are outlined. The need to improve access to justice through the reorganization of local courts, to strengthen the functional and procedural capacity of the court of cassation, to provide opportunities for paying the court fee as one of the obstacles to access to justice, to develop institutions of jury trials and alternative (pre-trial) and out-ofcourt settlement of disputes, is substantiated, including development of institutions of mediation, magistrate and arbitration court. The need to strengthen the independence of the judicial branch of government by ensuring that judges impartially resolve cases referred to them, based on the facts and in accordance with the law, without any restrictions, undue influence, inducement, pressure, threats or interference, direct or indirect, from any side and for any reason. The expediency of creating an effective model for the competitive selection of judges and strengthening the fight against corruption as criteria for bringing the judicial system of Ukraine into compliance with European requirements is analyzed. The proposed transformation of the judicial system will contribute to the provision of effective, accessible and high-quality judicial proceedings aimed at the comprehensive protection and realization of human rights and freedoms.
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