Professional Ethics as an Integral Part of the Professional Activity of a Lawyer


  • B. Chuprynsky



activity, learning activities, professional activity, legal activity, professional culture, professional competence, communicative competence, communication skills


The article examines the process of formation of the professional culture of future lawyers and characterizes various types of human activity. The author focuses on the main aspects of the professional activity of the lawyer and provides a comprehensive analysis of the notion «communicative competence of a lawyer», paying attention to the importance of this skill in his professional activity. Professional activity, in our opinion, can be defined as a specific human form of purposeful activity in a particular field of work, which is defined by the needs of life in society. Professional activity aims to implement these needs. Legal activity is based on strong theoretical legal knowledge, practical skills, which are the basis of professional activity. The key findings of the study argue that professional culture fundamentally influences the professional activity of a lawyer and is associated with the continuous learning process and professional skills development, arising from the specificity of the legal profession. Professional culture is closely connected with the culture of the person, which is characterized primarily by work, activity, performance of duties, and especially their quality because only by high-quality work a person transforms the world and realizes his/her talents, skills, and abilities. Successful lawyer's professional activity requires durable competencies and skills, which are formed under the influence of education, work, and other life activities. Therefore, the system of the future lawyers training in higher education institutions should focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of the future professional activity, which will be a guarantee of high-quality, effective performance of the duties.


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How to Cite

Чупринський, Б. (2021). Professional Ethics as an Integral Part of the Professional Activity of a Lawyer. History and Law Journal, 14(2), 120-125.

