Committing a Crime on the Ground of Gender Identity as an Aggravating Circumstance in Punishment


  • Yu. Fidria



aggravating circumstances, sex, gender affiliation, Istanbul Convention, gender-based violence


The article analyzes one of the aggravating circumstances included in the Criminal Code of Ukraine as a consequence of the implementation of the requirements of the Istanbul Convention – the commission of a crime based on gender identity. The essence of this circumstance implies a negative or derogatory attitude of the convict to the representatives of another sex or his non-acceptance of the representatives of another sex. The including of this aggravating circumstance to those that the court must take into account during sentencing will confirm the clear intentions of the state not to tolerate hatred and open contempt for a person in a democratic society due to his or her gender. At the same time, the state should not allow illegal behavior based on sexual orientation or gender. The author argues that the wording of this circumstance is incorrect in the light of the gender context of the Istanbul Convention, as sexuality does not cover sexual orientation and gender, and the application of the law on criminal liability by analogy is prohibited. The incompleteness of the terminology and substitution of the concepts in the Criminal code of Ukraine results in low efficiency of the norm and makes the mechanism of its implementation in practice imperfect. First of all, significant difficulties will arise in the course of its detection and proving. The author suggests introducing changes to item 3 of Chapter 67 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as to formulating the circumstance, which aggravates the punishment: «committing a crime on the basis of racial, national, religious hatred, or dissension, or on the basis of sexual orientation, sex or gender affiliation».


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How to Cite

Фідря, Ю. (2021). Committing a Crime on the Ground of Gender Identity as an Aggravating Circumstance in Punishment. History and Law Journal, 15(1), 118-123.

