


mentality, legal mentality, spirit of people, national consciousness, national legal character, genetic code, structure of phenomenon, theories of scientists, levels of mentality


The article is devoted to the study of the structure of the legal mentality. This topic is quite relevant today, because in the field of domestic science is insufficiently developed issues of the structure of the legal mentality. There are only a few works in which the mentality is studied, but very little attention is paid to the study of the legal mentality. The development of this topic will allow a deeper study of the legal mentality and enrich legal science with new ideas and theories. It is established that the legal mentality is a kind of “genetic code” of the national-cultural community, which is formed under the influence of cultural-historical, natural-climatic, social, religious factors, which is a set of legal archetypes, ideas, stereotypes formed at the collective level. consciousness and determine the specifics of legal behavior. It is suggested that the structure of the legal mentality largely depends on how it and its elements are seen by certain researchers. That is, an important factor is the personal scientific experience of the author. The opinions of various scholars on the structure of both mentality and legal mentality are analyzed. Because these concepts are whole and part. That is, the mentality is the basic concept, which includes such subspecies as: legal mentality, political, economic, mentality of different subcultures and so on. This distinction is conditional, which allows a more specific and complete study of the essence of this phenomenon. There are several approaches to understanding the structure of the legal mentality. Yes, most authors agree that there are several levels in the structure of the legal mentality. Basically it’s two or three levels. And in each of the levels there is a certain set of structural components. It can be both attitudes and habits, and archetypes and more. Based on the data obtained, the author found that the structure of the legal mentality has two levels – external and internal. Which are constantly in touch and complementary. But each of these levels has its own set of structural elements. They concluded that most researchers agree that the legal mentality has a two-tier structure. Opinions of scientists differ only in what exactly is included in these levels. This applies not only to the mentality, but also to all its subspecies.


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How to Cite

Кобко-Одарій, В. С. (2022). STRUCTURE OF LEGAL MENTALITY. History and Law Journal, 17(2), 13-19.

