constitutional complaint, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, constitutional proceedings, constitutional justice, Constitution of UkraineAbstract
The problems of realization of the constitutional complaint in foreign countries and its features and further prospects of development in Ukraine are investigated. The historical experience of formation of the institute of constitutional complaint and its functioning in Ukraine is determined, which according to the author dates back to the times of establishment of the legal system of the Ukrainian People 's Republic. An analysis of the development of constitutional justice and the instrument as a constitutional appeal, which in the opinion of the author does not meet the requirements of today in the field of human rights. The main legal characteristics of the institute of constitutional complaint as an individualistic form of protection of human rights are formulated, the main preconditions of introduction of this institute in Ukraine are revealed. It is determined that the domestic model of the institute of constitutional complaint is mainly aimed at ensuring human rights against arbitrary interference, ensuring the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine on the impossibility of their abolition or narrowing of content and scope when adopting new laws or amending existing laws. Legal conclusions are given that the institute of constitutional complaint in Ukraine is created on the model of foreign countries and has national features that are characteristic of the judiciary. Theoretical and legal generalization of the historical aspect of the institute of constitutional complaint is carried out, as a result of which some problems of activity of such institute are singled out, proceeding from practice of foreign countries of the European Union. Given the results of logical and legal analysis of current regulations of Ukraine, which regulate the institution of constitutional complaint, the author makes a number of practical proposals to improve the Ukrainian model of constitutional complaint, in particular in terms of exercising the right of citizens to file such a complaint.
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