strategic planning, territory, urban planning, spatial development, territorial community, zoningAbstract
The publication is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the latest regulatory approaches to strategic planning for the development of the territorial community. The concept, legal nature and content of such documentation as the concept of integrated development of the territorial community, a comprehensive plan of spatial development of the territorial community, the general plan of the settlement, the zoning plan and a detailed plan of the territory are studied. It is proved that strategic planning of the development of the territory of the territorial community is aimed at ensuring socially, economically and ecologically balanced development of the territory of the territorial community. It is established that land management documentation and urban planning documentation must meet the requirements of sustainable development of the territorial community in compliance with the principle of balance of state, public and private interests. The expediency of making decisions on land use on the basis of assessment of social, environmental and economic conditions of a particular area as a basis for strategic planning of land use is defended. This is due to the individual features of engineering and transport infrastructure and improvement of each settlement, the need to protect land and other components of the environment, the formation of ecological networks, protection and preservation of cultural heritage and the traditional nature of the environment of settlements. The opinion is substantiated that sustainable development, which is the basis of strategic planning, will create a full living environment for present and future generations through the rational use of land and natural, improve environmental infrastructure, improve living conditions, recreation and health, preserve and enrich biodiversity and cultural heritage.
Regional Development Studies: EU compendium on spatial planning system and policies / European Commission. 1997. 94 p.
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