Institutional and Legislative Support for the Implementation of European Union Requirements in the Field of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in Ukraine
sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, Association Agreement with the EU, agricultureAbstract
The article highlights the issues of institutional and legislative support for implementing the sanitary and phytosanitary measures in Ukraine under the requirements of EU, in particular, the analysis of the legislation through the prism of «Comprehensive Strategy for implementation of Chapter 4 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU». The result of the implementation of the measures for the embodiment of the EU law principles in the legislation of Ukraine is a steady growth in the trade between Ukraine and the EU agricultural and food products. The number of companies authorized to export to the EU is steadily increasing. Bringing sanitary and phytosanitary measures and a food safety control system in Ukraine in line with European requirements and practices will help to increase the level of life and health protection of of humans, animals, and plants, strengthen the protection of the rights of Ukrainian consumers of food products, as well as expand the export of agricultural products to EU and third countries. At the same time, the following issues remain the top-priority ones: ensuring complete transparency in trade and phytosanitary measures applicable to trade, approximation of the laws of Ukraine to those of the EU, acceptance of the animal and plant health of the Parties and the application of the principle of regionalization, establishing a mechanism pattern for recognizing equivalency in sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The biggest part of Ukraine’s commitments under the Association Agreement with the EU relates to the adoption of EU regulations in the agricultural sector. They can be grouped into three blocks, namely: technical requirements – requirements for product safety, technical standardization, packaging and product labeling, sanitary and phytosanitary requirements relate to the safety of food and feed, protection of health and safety of humans, animals and plants; environmental requirements – requirements and regulations for the import into EU of fertilizers, plant protection products, endangered animal species, waste from the agricultural sector
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