Civil (Personal) Rights of Judges as a Feature of Their Constitutional Legal Personality


  • V. Kravchuk



judge, legal status of a judge, rights of a judge, constitutional legal personality


The article examines the rights and freedoms of judges, which embody the essence and content of the legal relationship of judges with the courts. The author suggests considering the rights of judges as a type and measure of their possible or permissible behavior, which is established by law for the implementation of their functions and tasks and provided by the state. The author believes controversial the position that the judge's rights arise only at the moment when a person is appointed as a judge. Some rights (for example, the right to respect dignity or the right to the results of creative and intellectual activity) belong to a citizen before his appointment as a judge and after his judicial activity termination. However, after the appointment to the position of a judge, the above rights acquire a new meaning and are secured by somewhat other means of state coercion. In this regard, the rights of judges can be divided into general and special. The general rights include those rights that the judge enjoys as a person and a citizen, but after acquiring the appropriate legal status, they change the content, procedure for implementation, and the way of their provision. Special rights include the rights, which are called official rights in the scientific literature, ie they are related to the administration of justice. Such rights arise from the moment a person acquires the legal status of a judge (in other words, from the moment of taking the oath). These rights can be status (the right to resign, the right to participate in judicial self-government, the right to respect for professional honor and dignity, etc.) and functional (the right to demand evidence, the right to a dissenting opinion, etc.).


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How to Cite

Кравчук, В. (2021). Civil (Personal) Rights of Judges as a Feature of Their Constitutional Legal Personality. History and Law Journal, 15(1), 39-44.

