The Role of the Ombudsman in Protecting the Ukrainian Citizens' Rights and Freedoms Abroad
rights, freedoms, citizen, Ukraine, ombudsmanAbstract
The article analyzes the ombudsman's role in the mechanism of ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens abroad, with a focus on the regulatory framework governing the activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights. Institution of the ombudsman is interpreted as an important link in the administrative and legal mechanism of protecting Ukrainian citizens' rights and freedoms abroad. This is ensured by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner, who is in charge of the parliamentary control and coordination function, which allows involving international organizations on the political and human rights protection in solving problems in Ukraine. Ombudsman's constant monitoring of the situation in this area facilitates the timely detection of the Ukrainian citizens' rights and freedoms violations abroad and their resolution allowing participation of national representative, law enforcement, and diplomatic structures. The institution of an ombudsman is an important complement to the law enforcement mechanism that operates in the state. The main mission of the ombudsman is parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human rights and fundamental freedoms, connected with direct access to it by the population and supported by the principle of free proceedings. Accordingly, the ombudsman institution is at the stage of becoming and formating of an optimal model of interaction with law enforcement agencies, international human rights organizations and ombudsmen from other countries. The ombudsman is assessed as effective element in the system of ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens abroad.
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