judge’s ethics, the right to freedom of thought and speech, the Code of Judicial Ethics, social networks, public criticism, trust in courtsAbstract
The article examines the current aspects of the judge’s participation in social networks through the prism of his compliance with ethical requirements and standards. It was determined that social networks are one of the modern instruments of building trust in the judiciary and its representatives. They act as an effective communication channel for the information exchange and sharing, a platform for ensuring the openness and transparency of the judiciary as an institution, as well as for the formation of its positive image. It was emphasized that the judge’s participation and behavior in social networks is inextricably linked to the right for freedom of thought and speech, to the free expression of his views and beliefs. However, for the judge, this right is limited by the duty to exercise restraint and due diligence, as well as the requirement to avoid the dissemination of information on social networks that could potentially undermine public confidence in an independent and impartial judiciary. Judges must demonstrate maximum restraint and moderation in expressing their own views and opinions through social networks regarding events of a political nature, sensitive social topics and especially sensitive issues. The ethical principles of the distribution of information by a judge in social networks containing public criticism of fellow judges and their decisions, as well as evaluation and critical remarks about the actions and decisions of representatives of other legal professions, are analyzed. It is emphasized that the same requirements of restraint, respect for one’s own dignity and the dignity of the legal profession apply to the judge’s statements. Offensive, derogatory statements and those that degrade the authority of a lawyer and the institution he represents are unacceptable. It was concluded that a judge is a member of society and should have access to use the opportunities of the global information space both in order to perform his professional functions and to realize his own interests not related to the judiciary. However, judges should be mindful of their responsibilities and duties in society and exercise restraint in expressing their views and opinions under any circumstances, as their statements may threaten their independence, impartiality and the authority of the judiciary.
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