


Ukraine, World War II, 1942, NKVD, archives


In mid–1941, the network of state archives of the republic was as follows: 7 central, 2 militaryhistorical, 23 regional and 21 branches, 746 district and 65 city archives. During July – September 1941, from 37 state archives, 19 regions were evacuated 6500 collections, which consisted of 1.5 million files, which in total was 60 wagons of documentary material. During 1942, the staff of the NKVD archives were performed considerable and diverse in the areas of work. Most of the employees themselves were evacuated by German troops occupied by German troops. The staff of the Central State Archives of the USSR in 1942 was approved by 24 employees. Of these: 7 persons of management, 11 researchers and 5 archival and technical workers. The work was also established in new places where the archives were exported: the premises found, they were partially repaired, and archive collections were renovated. Much of the working time of archivists was given to the operational work: revision and analysis of historical material, since the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. All those involved in national-state construction at this time, in particular, the activities of the Ukrainian Central Council, the Ukrainian State Hetman P. Skoropadsky, the UNR Directory, ZUNR, were sought. Archival materials concerning the 1920s were also studied: the activities of the Trotsky and "Right slope" oppositions, critics of deficiencies in the activities of Soviet power, personally Stalin or some of the members of the communist leadership of the USSR and the USSR. In this activity, significant successes were made, drawn by the management of the plan of these works, constantly exceeded, which was proudly reported by the NKVD management. 28,000 were studied newspapers alone, cards for more than 80,000 people were trained, which qualified as "counter-revolutionary elements". Thus, as if a routine and insignificant archival work contributed to the creation of an evidence base for mass repression, because it was about tens of thousands of people.


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How to Cite

Ярмиш, О. Н., & Греченко, В. А. (2023). THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NKVD ARCHIVES IN 1942. History and Law Journal, 20(1), 7-15.

