Hryhoriy Stepura, lawyer, interwar period, Volyn, Volyn VoivodeshipAbstract
The article notes that the professional formation and organization of the activities of the advocate corps in Volyn during the interwar period were largely conditioned by the previous period of the formation of the advocate corps, the traditions that prevailed among lawyers, and especially the circumstances of state and legal development and new historical and legal realities. The legal basis of the activity of lawyers in the interwar period is analyzed. It is noted that the procedural position of a lawyer in a criminal trial in the interwar period was regulated in different regions by different legislative acts. The current legislation of the outlined period, which significantly influenced the work of Ukrainian lawyers, their tasks in connection with the political situation, is characterized. It was noted that the activities of the Institute of Advocacy were regulated by various legal acts. Among the Ukrainian state, public, political and cultural and educational figures of the end of the 19th – the first half of the 20th century. the leading place is occupied by Ukrainian lawyers. It is summarized that most of the archival materials that have reached our days relate to the activities of the lawyer, member of the Ukrainian Central Council Hryhoriy Stepura, who lived in the state of Poland in the territory of Volyn in the interwar period. During the time of the UCR, he was the provincial commissar of the Kharkiv region in April-May 1918, under the Directorate of the Ukrainian People's Republic, he was the Podilsk provincial commissar of Podillia in the period from November 3, 1917 to April 1918; and also from November 27, 1918 to April 1919. H. Stepura opened a legal office for peasants at the Kremenets Union of Cooperatives. In 1912, he founded a private law office in Kamianets-Podilskyi. In 1917, he held the post of police chief of the Kamianetsk District of the Volyn Province, and from 1923 Hryhoriy Stepura lived with his family in Lutsk.
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