Ilya Shrag, State Duma, Central Rada, agrarian issue, language issue, judicial institutions, advocacyAbstract
The article examines and analyzes the becoming and formation of state-legal views of the outstanding Ukrainian lawyer, state and socio-political figure, active participant of the Ukrainian national-patriotic movement of the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, Ilya Ludvigovich Shrag. It is noted that Ilya Shrag's state and legal orientations were formed in his youth, when the Ukrainian language was heard in his family circle, interest in Ukrainian folk traditions was awakened, and he became acquainted with examples of Ukrainian creativity. The actor's views regarding the rights of the native language, the peculiarities of the legal status of the Ukrainian population, the land issue and other important issues of the life of the society of that time were gradually formed. A brief overview of historiographical sources is also provided, which reflects Ilya Shrag's multifaceted social and political activities, in particular, the aspects of Ilya Shrag's state-building activities in the First State Duma of the Russian Empire are highlighted, his active participation in the processes of Ukrainian state-building in 1917-1921, the defense of the language issue, the participation of a parliamentarian are shown in solving the agrarian issue, I.Shrag's vision of the activities of judicial institutions after the judicial reform is highlighted, the general issues of his advocacy activities, participation in the activities of legal societies, including various aspects of his political, cultural, educational and public activities are reflected. It is noted that the protection of the rights of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian idea became fundamental in Ilya Shrag's parliamentary activity. As a deputy of the First State Duma of the Russian Empire, he brought to the attention of the general public the key issues of the life of the Ukrainian people. From the parliamentary platform, he repeatedly raised the language issue, exposed the abuse of power by the local administration, revealed the peculiarities of the agrarian draft law, and paid considerable attention to the problems of Jewish riots, which had acquired a mass character. Applying his knowledge and practical skills in the field of law, he put these issues on a legislative basis and suggested ways to solve them effectively. It is summarized that the formation of Ilya Shrag's state and legal guidelines was carried out during his active participation in social and political processes that took place on the territory of Ukrainian lands.
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